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October is almost here!  For the last almost 10 years Anne Marie has lead Sunday School.  She has now moved on to giving her time and talents to the 7th grade confirmation class.  Thank you to her for her dedication to our students over the years at Oak Lake Lutheran!

Our remaining Sunday School students are needing a few people (2 would be nice, 4 would be great) to share in  leading them (4-6th graders) on a new day and time.  Sunday School is moving to every Wednesday night from 6-7:30 during the school year.  Volunteers will lead a lesson/activity for one hour.  The remaining 30 minutes will be joining the confirmation students & the congregation in worship time & communion with Pastor Tim.  

If you can give an hour a week (or whatever you have available) from October-May to help our students continue learning through Sunday School, please contact Pastor Tim or a member of the church council.

Thank you for considering helping with this ministry.