Around 1901 a group of Swedish immigrant settlers arrived in the Kerrick Township area. Most settled on land that had been logged off by the large timber companies. Building their homes and barns from the remaining pine trees while supporting their families by cutting cord-wood and ties was not an easy life. Little by little they were able to clear fields for farming. They also desired to have a place of gathering for worship, much like they had experienced in Sweden. The church building was constructed in 1908 and the cemetery was plotted in 1912. The bell in the tower has been announcing worship by ringing every Sunday since it was installed in 1922.
Oak Lake has partnered with many churches during the past 118 years. On April 8, 1984, Oak Lake and Trinity in Bruno became a two-point parish. We have shared pastors and missions and are currently part of a newly formed Ministry Cooperative of 6 churches. We are listening and learning from our current members while working together in faith on our journey.